Sunday, June 11, 2017


Another long day! But what day isn't long with a newborn? I'm on the verge of overdoing things again. I need to continue to fight this nature of mine to overwork! An overworked mom isn't good for anyone. Not my husband, my children my community or myself. Easier said than done! I sometimes feel like I just run in circles, cleaning the same messes, making the same mistakes, getting upset about the same things, ect...

 The word that keeps coming to mind is peace. My word of the year. Just simply: peace. Even the word "simple" stands out in my mind. The words "simple" and "peace" are two words that I continue to wrestle with. Living simple and creating a home atmosphere where peace abides sounds like such a deceivingly simple, easy thing.  But it's the opposite! Learning to find repose and rest in a world that screams more and that stays on 24/7 tales so much self control. Self control and planning. 

I could go on and on about this subject, but I think the two biggest things I will focus on is:

#1. Make time to be alone with God and hear His voice!

I'm in the weird, sleepless stage of surviving the newborn weeks while still taking care of my other young children. So I don't think necessarily God expects me to stay up in the mornings to read my bible and journal. ( Gotta catch that sleep when I where I can!) But being mindful of my time is a big deal. So these days although I may not being spending much time reading and studying the word, I can open my bible for a few minutes or simply find a much loved verse and copy it out and let my heart dwell on that; compared to tuning out totally and scrolling through facebook for the 15th time.

#2. Continue to Minimize.

I have been working towards the path of minimalism for years. Although I have come a long way from where I was, I still have much more to learn! 
There are no shortcuts to leading a life of less. Anyone can clean their house or get rid of things, but to truly minimize, truly be happy with less, takes time. Less clutter, less tv, less stress, less stuff. letting go. So far, I have realized the less we own and the less we choose to overburden ourselves with, the more we enjoy. I want to make more time to enjoy life, and less cleaning it! 

So there it is, my two things. Looking to the Lord and seeking His face and keep our home life simple and stress free. 

Elijah Daniel Isaacs

 Elijah Daniel Isaacs 

We welcomed our 4th blessing and sweetest new little babe Friday, April 14th 2017. He came into this world 10 days early and with eyes opened wide. His was my most beautiful and shortest labor.

I really am truly at a lack for words of how much I am reveling in this little one. He is the perfect addition to our family and we are all smitten with him! In my heart I know God has big plans for him and I just feel such a joy holding him. He is so precious and perfect!

I could go on and on, but instead let me just share some of my favorite photos....

Children are a gift from the Lord...
Psalm 127:3

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Welcome, 2017 ~

I have been wrestling a little bit with myself and the New Year. I'm a big goal and list person and pride myself on working hard. I have been itching for a new, big, year long goal to work towards over this coming year. Last year I felt God giving me the go ahead to start on the path to bigger financial goals ( not really seeing anything, but getting out of debt! ) and buying our first home. Both of which were big deals and took a lot of time and work! And this year so far has just felt... slow. And a little exhausting. 
During prayer and quite time I feel God asking me to spend more quite time with Him and becoming a better steward of my time in general. Not for any major "goal" per say. Just, investing in my children and worthwhile hobbies. It honestly makes me feel restless! But, after a few weeks of searching and clinging to my own ideas of goals, I have finally decided to jump wholeheartedly in the simple yet difficult task of simply slowing down and bringing more peace into our lives. That's my word this year: Peace.

Peace can mean so many different things. But for me, it means more time with God. Less TV. Less comparing myself with others and other people's view of me. More time playing with my children and less time watching tv or sending them off to play without me. Less internet and social media, more writing and reading. 

I want to do far less shopping and simplify our bills. Pay down debt and put money in savings. Nothing causes stress like financial stress, and I plan on being better at looking long term.

When I think of how much TV we watched this past year, it's embarrassing, even to me. We are doing better, but I still would love to see the TV on less and see what else we can fill our time with. I want to work on nature studies and notebook journaling. I want to fill our time learning crafts and hobbies and exposing the kids to all sorts of arts and letting them discover what they're passionate about. Investing more time cultivating friendships and a sense of community and showing Christlike love to others is also something I want our family to be passionate about!  

So here's to a year brimming with joy and peace ~

Also, only about 14 more weeks until baby#4 is here!!!! Eeek!!!